December, 2021
Dear friend of the Harlan Cemetery:
The Harlan Cemetery Assoc. (est. 1872) is privately run by a volunteer five-member board - it is not owned by the City of Harlan. The Association is confronted with long-term expenses that include new concrete roadways, and monument repairs -- all on a limited permanent-care budget.
Since 2010 the Cemetery Association and it’s Foundation have:
• Replaced over 600’ of asphalt with a new concrete roadway, removed brick pillars and installed fencing along the east entrance thru bequests by former area residents Mr & Mrs Everett Atkinson.
• Former Harlanites Dick and Barb Nelson donated funds for the iron gate entrances.
• $10,000 in contributions in 2012 and $12,500 in 2017 helped with additional concrete road improvements.
• $5,000 in contributions helped install fence along the entire north and east sides of the cemetery.
• An anonymous donor paid for 1,000 one-ton cement blocks for a Cyclone Ave. retaining wall system.
• $7,795 in contributions purchased software, which has allowed the Harlan Cemetery to be the first in Iowa to offer a web-based search of plots and burials. We have continued to support the Association’s computer software, hardware and assist with maintenance and promotional costs of
• Contributions in 2019 were helped by significant donations from Carolyn Spearing, Pam (Gettys) Captain, Connie White and donations from residents were used to create a $40,000 road work fund
• Since 2007-2020, the Foundation has donated or pledged $63,689 to the Harlan Cemetery Association.
Consider a donation:
Would you consider a $35 - $50 - $75 - $100 or more tax-deductible gift to the Cemetery Foundation to honor families and other community members who are buried there? Each donor will receive a thank you letter as documentation of your tax-deductible gift.
Providing a donation or leaving a legacy in your will to Harlan Cemetery Foundation is an enduring gift and that will help us continue to improve and enhance the Harlan Cemetery for future generations.
Yours truly, The Board of the Harlan Cemetery Foundation
Julienne Ferry Allan Ickes Phyllis Lytle Alan Mores Bonnie Fiscus Andy Sondag
Vice Pres. Sec/Treas.
_____ $35 _____ $50 _____ $100 ____ $250 ____ $500 ____ $1,000 _______ Other If you wish to contribute to the mowing fund please note that on your check or at right $_________ Payable to: Harlan Cemetery Foundation, P O Box 543, Harlan IA 51537 The Internal Revenue Service ruled on June 22, 2007 that the Harlan Cemetery Foundation is a tax exempt organization |